
Software and Edge Computing Integrations
Interoperability Image
Mine Planning Software

Integrate with industry-leading mine planning software, enabling precise scheduling, resource management, and operational efficiency. Our interoperability ensures that your planning data is always in sync with real-time operational insights, providing a unified platform for decision-making.

On the Edge

We integrate OEM and third-party technologies with our access points or onboard data devices. Our systems ingest, wrap, and transmit these data packets together with our own product data packages. We provide a cost-effective solution to bring all data from the edge to the server. We also facilitate two-way communication to the edge.

Digital Forms

We can integrate third-party applications and, through Wi-Fi, receive submissions on our access points or data devices mounted to vehicles. These data packets are then muled to the server, whether on the surface or underground. Additionally, we can develop offline-enabled applications that host custom digital forms required for mining operations to capture important data points.

Control Your Operation with Unrivaled Insights